Discipline Plan

Discipline Plan
     Our classroom is run like a family and each of us has a stake in how the dynamics work.  We will not be using a color/clip chart system.  
Daily Behavior Check-In  
Included in your child’s reading folder will be their daily behavior check-in.  It will be on a monthly calendar.  At the end of the day, your child decides what kind of day they have had: a great day, an okay day, or tomorrow will be better.  I will initial the calendar and write a note if I disagree with the evaluation your child has written. 
GREAT Citizenship 
     We will be adopting the IWCS initiative for students, faculty and staff that will demonstrate: GREAT everyday!
·      Growth- You strive for personal improvement each day.
·      Respect- You value yourself, others and your environment.
·      Empathy- You demonstrate compassion for another’s feelings, thoughts, and/or experiences.
·      Accountability- You take ownership of your thoughts and actions.
·      Trustworthiness- You show integrity, honesty and reliability.
Class Dojo 
Each parent should receive an invitation to join our Class Dojo site.  You will be able to see how your child is doing at school with their behavior.  It will also be used to send out messages about important upcoming events or other important information.  Students will have the opportunity to earn Class Dojo points by displaying behavior that displays aspects of being a GREAT citizen.  After children have reached the determined amount they can exchange their points for a reward.  Examples: eat lunch with the teacher, sit next to friend in another class during lunch, sit in a special desk in our room, take your shoes off during reading time, chew gum in class for the day, and many more. 

We will also be incorporating IWCS GRIT initiative that is helping students and teachers to move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.  We will talk in depth about what GRIT means and how we can show GRIT throughout the year.   
  • Gumption- having the courage to take a risk
  • Resiliency- the ability to overcome challenges
  • Integrity- doing what is right even when it is difficult
  • Tenacity- not giving up when things get tough

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