Reading Log
on Monday, your child will be bringing home a canvas bag with 2 books and their
reading folder each night. Please help
your child complete the following each night:
1. Read 30 minutes (a total of 2 steps). 15 minutes must be read INDEPENDENTLY and
from the books he/she brings home on their level. The
2. Log 2 steps (2 book titles) on his/her reading log.
3. Put 2 books back into canvas bag to return to school. If a child does not return his/her books,
they may not take new books home.
It is
imperative that your child complete their 30 minutes of reading each
night. If there are evenings that your
child is involved in an afterschool activity, please plan to log extra steps on
the weekend or another evening to ensure your child doesn’t fall behind. Just like we are reading each day in class
for 30 minutes to help build stamina, your child needs to practice building
stamina at home. If you have questions
or concerns about this practice, please let me know and I will hopefully be
able to help.
Crazy Hair Day
you so much to all of those that donated to our schools APEX Fun Run. I was completely blown away by the amount of
money our class raised. As a reward for
reaching our $20 class pledge goal, we have voted to have a crazy hair day on Tuesday,
October 3. (Think Dr. Seuss Who hair.)
I send an e-mail on Thursday, September 28 about
upcoming conferences. Wednesday, October
18 is a scheduled work day and conference day for all teachers. Unfortunately, I will not be able to meet
with everyone on that date. Therefore, I
am willing to meet before or after school for the next several weeks. If you did not receive the e-mail concerning
conferences, below is a link that will connect you to the Google Form that you
may complete.
What are we learning this week?
Reading: SOL 1.9
Students will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts. We will focus on identifying characters, setting, and important events.
Writing: SOL 1.13 The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes.
Math: SOL 1.11 Geometry
The student will:
a) identify, trace, describe, and sort plane figures triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles according to number of sides, vertices, and angles; and
b) identify and describe representations of circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles in different environments, regardless of orientation, and explain reasoning.
The student will:
a) identify, trace, describe, and sort plane figures triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles according to number of sides, vertices, and angles; and
b) identify and describe representations of circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles in different environments, regardless of orientation, and explain reasoning.
Weekly Schedule
*Monday, October 2 Purple Resource Day
*Tuesday, October 3 Red Resource Day
Crazy Hair Day
Crazy Hair Day
*Wednesday, October 4 Orange Resource Day
Picture Day
Interim Reports Issued
Interim Reports Issued
*Thursday, October 5 Yellow Resource Day
*Friday,October 6 Early Release @ 1:00
SHS Homecoming Parade @ 4:15
SHS Homecoming Parade @ 4:15
Looking Ahead
October 10th Back to School Night @ 6:30
October 12th WatchDogs Pizza Kickoff @ 6:00