Museum of Virginia Field Trip
We had a great trip to the
Children’s Museum of Virginia. Thank you
to our chaperones: Nathan’s grandmother and Liam’s mom. Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Vukmanic, and I will be
meeting soon to discuss the ideas our classes have made for projects they would
be interesting in doing relating to our field trip.
We will be celebrating the
upcoming holiday season on Wednesday, December 18 with our own “Grinchmas”
party. I encourage students to wear
their pajamas or their “grinchiest” outfit.
Paisley’s mom, Mrs. Hicks, will be getting in touch with volunteers to donate
items for our celebration.
What are we learning this week?
Word Talk: Short U families (-um as in hum, -ut as in hut, and -ud as in mud)
Research Question: Where does my animal live and why? (focusing on the location of a habitat and how are an animal's needs met in that habitat)
1.14b Generate questions to gather information.
1.14d Find information from provided sources.
1.14e Record information.
1.10 Identify the main idea.
1.1e Participate in collaborative and partner discussions about various texts and topics.
1.h Restate and follow simple-two-step oral directions.
1.1k Work respectfully with others.
1.1l Increase listening and speaking vocabularies.
1.7a Discuss meanings of words in context.
1.7c Ask for the meaning of unknown words and make connections to familiar words.
1.7d Use text clues such as words or pictures to discern meanings of unknown words.
1.7e Use vocabulary from other content areas.
Writing SOL
1.12c Focus on one topic.1.12d Organizing writing to suit a purpose. (Expository)
1.7h Use verbs to identify actions.
1.7h Use verbs to identify actions.
Math SOL
1.15 The student will demonstrate an understanding of equality through the use of the equal symbol.
1.6 The student will create and solve single-step story and picture problems using addition facts within 20.
1.6 The student will create and solve single-step story and picture problems using addition facts within 20.
Science SOL
1.5 The student will investigate and understand that animals, including humans, have basic life needs that allow the:
a) animals need air, food, water, shelter, and space (habitat);
b) animals have different physical characteristics that perform specific functions; and
c) animals can be classified based on a variety of characteristics
1.7 The student will explore how changes in temperature, light, and precipitation affect animals, including humans.
1.5 The student will investigate and understand that animals, including humans, have basic life needs that allow the:
a) animals need air, food, water, shelter, and space (habitat);
b) animals have different physical characteristics that perform specific functions; and
c) animals can be classified based on a variety of characteristics
1.7 The student will explore how changes in temperature, light, and precipitation affect animals, including humans.
Weekly Schedule
*Monday, December 9 172 Steps Engineering
*Tuesday, December 10 176 Steps P.E.
*Wednesday, December 11 180 Steps SOAR
Interims Issued
Extended Encore @ 2:05 (Computer Engineering & Library)
Interims Issued
Extended Encore @ 2:05 (Computer Engineering & Library)
*Thursday, December 12 184 Steps Art
*Friday, December 13 188 Steps Music
Looking Ahead
- December 11: Interim Reports Issued
- December 17: Happy Holi-Daze Spirit Day – dress in your twinkly, tacky, festive, and fun!3rd Grade Holiday Performance @ 6:00
- December 18: Pajama Day; Grinchmas Party @ 2:00
- December 19 – January 6: Winter Break
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